ISAT Online Learning Series


Bringing you the best scientists, educators and practitioners so you can keep up with the latest arboricultural research, information and technology – from wherever you are and whenever you want – all with our unique Texas trees in mind!

ISAT Live Webinars

Upcoming Live Webinars: To stay informed on all ISAT events, sign up for the free monthly ISAT TreEmail here.

Here is how to watch the live webinar and get your ISA CEUs:
1. Register for the webinar.
2. Attend the entire webinar.
3. The Texas Chapter ISA will then submit your CEU information to ISA for credit.

Want to sponsor a webinar? Click here for more information.


ISAT Instant Replay Webinars (below) – Get your CEUs on your schedule!

Couldn’t make it to the live session? Want to earn ISA CEUs? You can still watch the recording here.

1. Register for the webinar.
2. Attend the entire webinar then click on the link to the 20-question quiz found in your registration confirmation email.
3. Take the online quiz. You will need to pass with at least 80% correct. You may watch the webinar take the quiz as many times as needed to reach a passing grade for 60 days.
4. ISAT will receive notice that you have watched the webinar and passed the quiz. The Texas Chapter ISA will then submit one CEU to ISA on your behalf.


Watch Now: The Arborist Entrepreneur: Proper Business Set-up for Success 

Click to register  and view
1:02 Hour – 1 ISA CEU ($35)

Course information:

Texas Chapter ISA is partnering with Georgia Arborist Association to bring you this exciting webinar showcasing the difference proper business set-up can have for arborist entrepreneurs.  ISA Certified Arborist Edward Morrow uses his experiences as an accountant, arborist, and author to help tree care professionals better understand business and create sustainable careers in arboriculture.  

During this webinar, Edward will share organizational tips for tree care professionals to develop legal, financial, and production systems that can be used to start and strengthen your business.  

Key points include:

Legal Business Set-up: S-corp, C-corp, and LLC

Financial: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Financial Statements, and Accounting Systems

Production: Estimating, Customer Retention Management (CRM)/Clients, and Employees

Additionally: Business Models and Revenue Generation

Your instructor:
Edward Morrow is a Certified Arborist, tree risk assessment qualified (TRAQ) and an author. With his accounting background, he created Next Level Arborists to help other arborists understand their numbers and improve the financial picture of their tree care service.


Watch Now: 2023 Texas Tree Conference Recorded Instant Replay Presentations – get all 20 sessions at a deep discount! No Quiz needed to get the CEUs for the 2023 Conference sessions!

There are plenty of great presentations from the 2023 Texas Tree Conference. You can see the program brochure here and register to watch them on-demand below.

If you attended the Conference, you can view the recordings for free for the rest of the year. Contact email Megan Wood at for your registration discount code.

If you missed the conference, you can click on the links below to view any single session for $20 (0.5-1.0 ISA CEU each) or click here to register to view all 25 recordings and save over $180! (Note: you can only receive one CEU once for each session)

Commercial Track Sessions

Field Diagnosis for Tree Climbers (1 ISA CEU)
Stephanie Adams, Forest Tree Pathologist, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
This presentation will cover common fungi found in trees, what kind of rots they cause, and how the tree might respond to weight loading.

Cultural Management Practices of Palms (0.75 ISA CEU)
Dr. McMillan, Assistant Professor of Palm Horticulture at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, Davie, FL
Pruning and Transplant Practices of Palms is discussed. This presentation covers the most frequently asked questions for landscape palm maintenance.

Identification and Treatment of Palm Nutrient Deficiencies (0.75 ISA CEU)
Dr. McMillan, Assistant Professor of Palm Horticulture at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, Davie, FL
Attendees will be able to identify the most common palm nutrient deficiencies. Best management practices for maintaining palm health will be discussed.

Self Care: The Foundation of Safety (0.5 ISA CEU)
Carolina Paredes – Beast Coast Tree Climbers LLC, Zirconia, NC
Self Care is not supposed to be an emergency procedure, it is a daily practice. The best training, knowledge, decades of experience, impressive skill set, and talent is not going to help you if you have built a significant sleep deficiency, are burning out, have developed a nutritional deficiency that affects your cognitive functions and behavior, if you are ill, and/or are having a difficult time emotionally. In order to operate and perform at optimal level in our industry we must take care of ourselves. In this workshop we will learn about how Nutrition, Stress, Sleep, Emotions, and Communication all interact and affect each other. We will learn how to increase the odds in our favor using tools, resources, and real-life practical application in order to do our work safely and perform at our highest levels. Self Care is the foundation of Safety, and it begins with each and every one of us

Pruning Fruit Trees (0.75 ISA CEU)
Susan Poizner, Urban Orchardist, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
One important way we keep our fruit trees healthy and productive is by pruning them correctly every year – starting from the very day we plant our bare root fruit tree. In this workshop urban orchardist and fruit tree educator Susan Poizner will teach arborists how fruit tree pruning is different than pruning native or ornamental trees. You will learn how to use pruning to improve your fruit tree’s health, to spur vigorous growth or to slow down the growth of a larger, overgrown fruit tree. She will teach the difference between winter and summer fruit tree pruning and how pruning can help combat the common fruit tree diseases.

Lone Worker Safety: Aggressive Homeowners – Training for a Mindset of De-escalation (0.75 ISA CEU)
Liz Westberg, Growth Solutions, Edina, MN
Interacting with aggressive or hostile homeowners has long been an issue for tree workers but is becoming more common in other spheres of tree care these days as well. This presentation walks through both common and rare hostile encounters with homeowners and occupants, along with some best practices for de-escalation and leaving that situation safely.

Utility Track Sessions

A Sample of Ongoing Law and Research at Tulane Utility Vegetation Management Institute (0.75 ISA CEU)
Riley McKay, Emily Hager, Corin Nguyen-Toups, Payten Parfait, Lawrence J. Kahn Moderator, Tulane University, LA
Treeconomics: Understanding the Financial Impacts of Vegetation Management, Riley McKay
Use of Herbicides on Utility Rights of Way: Addressing Law and Policy Concerns, Emily Hager
Making the Case for Integrated Vegetation Management on Pipeline Rights of Way, Corin Nguyen-Toups
Energy and Environment Considerations Relating to Historic Sites and Native American Tribal Lands, Payten Parfait

Increased incidence of wildfire and why we should be concerned (0.75 ISA CEU)
Geoff Kempter, Technical Services Manager, Asplundh, Grand Rapids, MI
Wildfires are natural part of many ecosystems. However, the frequency and intensity of wildfires have been increasing, and they are occurring in areas previously not thought to be at risk. The economic and environmental damages are significant. This presentation discusses how human activities, including artificial suppression, population trends, climate change, introduced species, and our own litigious culture have led to increased vulnerability to wildfire.

Why tree risk assessment is important in public spaces and utility corridors (0.75 ISA CEU)
Skip Kincaid, Executive Director, Southern Chapter ISA, St. Louis, MO
An overview of why arborists should consider tree risk assessment as part of their jobs.

The Power of Pruning: Implementing a Successful Vegetation Management Program (0.75 ISA CEU)
Ryan Krause, Supervisor, Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Buda, TX
The goals being to improve safety, reliability and costs. To obtain this goal utilities must be willing to move from reactive maintenance to cycle program or better yet a targeted program. We will share our thoughts and ideas with you about how our cooperative did just that. We will also share how we use an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), developed by IBM, to determine tree species and densities on our system. Using an algorithm along with satellite data they can tell us, with about 80% accuracy, how close the vegetation is to the powerlines. Using the new Geiger-mode LiDAR technology the accuracy has improved to 95% accurate. This has allowed us to see the whole system and target the most immediate threats first. Using data from the Texas A&M Forest Service, we download the current Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) information and create maps that allow us to prioritize work by wildfire risk.

Municipal Track Sessions

Physiological Responses to Flooding, CO2 and Light Intensity (0.75 ISA CEU)
Brittany Benjamin – Urban Forestry at Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA
Ms. Benjamin discusses the findings from her master’s degree thesis “Physiological responses of Japanese Magnolia (Magnolia liliiflora) to flooding, elevated CO2 level, and light intensity” as well as other effects of flooding on urban trees.

Climate Resilient Urban Landscapes for a 21st Century Texas (.75 ISA CEU)
Dr. David Creech – Director of SFA Gardens, Nacogdoches, TX
A changing climate is upon us. All international and federal agencies responsible for monitoring climate change have the same general prediction. Texas is facing hotter times, long dry stretches, punctuated by violent storms and floods, and judging from the last three years alone, epic freeze events we’ve never seen before. Finding, evaluating and promoting those woody trees and shrubs that thrive is an important goal for all of us.

Developing, writing and revising successful grant proposals (0.75 ISA CEU)
Dr. Mary M. Gardiner, Professor in the Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Grant writing is challenging. This presentation overviews practices that will aid in landing your next grant.

Quantifying the Effectiveness of Urban Wildland Interface Firewise Strategies (0.5 ISA CEU)
Morris C. Johnson, Fire Ecologist, US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory, Seattle, WA
We examine effectiveness of a series of fuel management treatments in the wildland urban interface designed to modify wildfire behavior. Our studies are designed to answer the question How large do fuel treatments in the wildland surrounding the WUI need to be? and which treatment prescriptions are most effective in reducing crown fire initiation and behavior.

Tired of going in circles? Tips for dealing with circling roots at planting (0.5 ISA CEU)
Riley Johnson, Research Technician, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Container-grown trees are a popular stock type among arborists and landscapers. However, growing trees in standard plastic nursery containers can lead to malformed root systems, namely circling roots, which can inhibit tree establishment. Over the years, several techniques have been promoted to remediate circling roots such as teasing, slicing, shaving, and bare-rooting. In this program, we will discuss the results of our trials on techniques to remediate circling roots of container-grown shade trees.

Grant Opportunities through the Texas A&M Forest Service to Bolster Urban and Community Forestry (0.5 ISA CEU)
Mac Martin, Texas A&M Forest Service, College Station, TX
Through recent investment in Urban and Community Forestry, the Texas A&M Forest Service is able to offer competitive grants to support and expand sound urban and community forestry practices across the state of Texas. This presentation will explore the different programs, categories, eligibility, and other key information that will be offered through these grant opportunities.

Texas Tree Non-profits Lightning Round (0.75 ISA CEU)
Pris Files, Galveston Island Tree Conservancy, Galveston, TX
Rachel McGregor, Texas Tree Foundation, Dallas, TX
Jaci Randall, Bexar Branches Alliance, San Antonio, TX
Natalie Roberts, Trees for Houston, Houston, TX
Four Texas tree non-profits give updates on their current programs and operations.

Spanish Track Sessions

La Identificacion y el Manejo del Marchitamiento del Encino en Texas
Mark Duff, Principal, Mark Duff Consulting, Hollywood Park

La Identificacion y el Manejo del Marchitamiento del Encino en Texas – Estrategias para controlar el marchitamiento del encino mediante zanjas y productos quimicos. (The Identification and Management of Oak Wilt in Texas – Strategies for control via trenches and fungicide injections).

Diagnóstico de Arbolado en la Ciudad
Mónica Martínez Hurtado, Director, co-owner / Directora General,, Mexico City, Mexico

Desde lo básico de identificar peculiaridades o signos que tengan interés para el diagnóstico que puedan derivar en estudios avanzados, planes de tratamiento o toma de precauciones a la hora de realizar una trepa (ejemplo: poder ver que un cambio de coloración en la corteza o un fallo estructural que puede arriesgar a los trabajadores).

Sanidad Forestal en Texas: problemas emergentes
Dr. Demian Gomez, Regional Forest Health Coordinator, Texas A&M Forest Service, Austin

Se realiza una actualización sobre problemas emergentes que afectan los bosques naturales y urbanos de Texas luego de secas intensas y tormenta de hielo. También se discutirá el estado de plagas invasoras en la región.

El Cuidado Personal: La Base de la Seguridad
Carolina Paredes, Owner, Beast Coast Tree Climbers LLC, Zirconia, NC

Self Care is not supposed to be an emergency procedure, it is a daily practice. The best training, knowledge, decades of experience, impressive skill set, and talent is not going to help you if you have built a significant sleep deficiency, are burning out, have developed a nutritional deficiency that affects your cognitive functions and behavior, if you are ill, and/or are having a difficult time emotionally. In order to operate and perform at optimal level in our industry we must take care of ourselves. In this workshop we will learn about how Nutrition, Stress, Sleep, Emotions, and Communication all interact and affect each other. We will learn how to increase the odds in our favor using tools, resources, and real life practical application in order to do our work safely and perform at our highest levels. Self Care is the foundation of Safety, and it begins with each and every one of us.

Conservacion de arboles durante la construccion: mejores practicas de gestion y tecnicas para reducer la compactacion del suelo
Dr. Beau Brodbeck, Extension Specialist in Community Forestry & Arboriculture, Auburn University, Fairhope, AL

Muchas regiones del sur están experimentando un rápido crecimiento demográfico. Con este crecimiento viene una mayor construcción y desarrollo. Comprender los conceptos básicos de la preservación de los árboles durante la construcción es clave para retener el dosel del bosque urbano y reducir los riesgos a largo plazo asociados con los árboles dañados. Esta presentación revisará las mejores prácticas de manejo para preservar árboles durante la construcción y explorará técnicas, basadas en nuestra investigación, para reducir la compactación en el sitio para garantizar bosques urbanos más seguros, saludables y resistentes. (Many regions in South are experiencing rapid population growth. With this growth comes increased construction and development. Understanding the basics of preserving trees during construction is key towards retaining urban forest canopy and reducing long-term risks associated with damaged trees. This presentation will review the best management practices for preserving trees during construction and explore techniques, based on our research, for reducing onsite compaction to ensure safer, healthier, and more resilient urban forests.) 


Watch Now: Wielding the A300 Standards: The Shield and the Sword

Click on the picture above to register and view
1:14 Hour – 1 ISA CEU ($25)

Course information:
The ANSI A300 Standards are a documentation of what industry stakeholders can agree upon within the context of the ANSI approval process. When wielded correctly, they can form powerful legal weaponry to use both defensively and offensively.

Learn how to limit your liability when performing risk assessments by following the mandatory requirements. Learn how to avoid offensive strategies by plaintiffs that attack insufficiency of inspections, reports, and pruning practices.

Your instructor:
James Komen is a consulting arborist in California specializing in risk assessment and tree appraisal. He helps clients make informed management decisions for individual trees and for tree inventories. His work has been published in Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, Arboricultural Consultant, Palms, Ontario Arborist, and Western Arborist. He is an ISA TRAQ instructor and has taught workshops on tree appraisal around the U.S. and Canada.


Watch Now: Ice Storms and Oak Wilt Webinar

Click on the picture above to register and view
1 Hour – 1 ISA CEU ($20)

Do you have questions about ice storms and their impact on oak wilt? Join Dr. David Appel, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Dr. Demian Gomez, Forest Health Coordinator, Texas A&M Forest Service, and Dr. Andrew Loyd, Plant Pathologist, Bartlett Tree Experts as they discuss the February 2023 ice storm that hit Austin and the Hill Country and its implication with regard to oak wilt. Each expert gave a brief overview from their perspective and then took questions from the audience.

This webinar was originally recorded on April 12, 2023


Watch Now: Intro to Plant Pathology for Arborists Webinar Series

Join Dr. David Appel, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology for the Introduction to Plant Pathology Webinar Series for Arborists. Over several sessions, you can gain a greater understanding of plant pathology, integrated pest management in the landscape and be able to identify common disease problems in the landscape. This series provides a foundation to understanding plant diseases. You will learn the basics of plant pathology. The webinars will overview the discipline of plant pathology and how it applies to urban tree health. The latest research in plant pathology will be stressed. The webinars are intended to provide a background knowledge base to increase the confidence of practicing arborists when diagnosing and recommending control strategies for tree diseases in Texas. ($20 per session)

Session 1: PLPA 101 – What is plant pathology? (One CEU) What are diseases of trees, and how do they relate to syndromes, injuries, or conditions? What is normal in the lives of trees? Differences among parasites, saprophytes, and pathogens will be described for all of the major groups. What are the differences between abiotic and biotic pathogens?

Session 2: PLPA 102 – Basic concepts in plant pathology (One CEU) Koch’s Postulates, the disease cycle, diagnosis, genetics of resistance and response, the genetics of susceptibility/tolerance/resistance and “field resistance” vs. “gene for gene resistance “will be discussed.

Session 3: Pesticide Laws and Reg Update – (free and no C This presentation will review Texas pesticide licensing, record keeping and inspection rules in an interactive cooperative format. Presented by Laura Miller. (To obtain the TDA CEU for this session, it had to be viewed as a live event. TDA does not offer CEUs for recorded/on-demand webinars)

Session 4: PLPA 103 (One CEU) – This presentation will explore examples of important tree pathogens, how they attack trees and cause disease. Their disease cycles will be analyzed to illustrate how that knowledge leads to management options. New pathogens will be discussed and analyzed for their potential threat to Texas trees, particularly in an urban environment.

Session 5: PLPA 104 (One CEU) – Integrated Plant Disease Management. How the major approaches to integrated plant disease management/control and applies to trees (pruning, sanitation, pesticide use and cultivar selection). The prospects for biocontrol of plant diseases with mycorrhizae, beneficial microbes, and manipulation of the plant microbiome will be reviewed.


Watch Now: 2022 Texas Tree Conference Recorded Instant Replay Presentations – get all 19 CEUs at a deep discount!

There are plenty of great presentations from the 2022 Texas Tree Conference. You can see the program brochure here and register to watch them on-demand below.

If you attended the Conference, you can view the recordings for free for 60 days. Contact email Megan Wood at for your registration discount code.

If you missed the conference, you can click on the links below to view any single session for $20 (1 ISA CEU each) or click here to register to view all 19 recordings and save over $150! (Note: you can only receive one CEU once for each session)

General Sessions

Current and Emerging Plant Health Topics (1 ISA CEU)
Stephanie Adams, Forest Tree Pathologist, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
This presentation will cover current and emerging plant health-related topics and outline the concept of the Disease Triangle, how trees and plants respond to stressors, specific insects and diseases in the United States, and diagnosing plant problems.

How to Build a Sustainable Safety Culture (1 ISA CEU)
Chris Dichard, Corporate Safety Director, Asplundh Tree Experts, Rockwall, TX
How to build a sustainable safety culture through training and Safety Audits. Beginning with new hire orientation and the introduction of Regulations and safety processes. Following up the apprentice training in the LCQS process. Updating and reviewing the processes. Using Job behavior observations and Annual Compliance Audits to document and track skill proficiencies.

Commercial Track Sessions

Soil Properties for Urban Tree Health (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Anna Paltseva, Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA
In this presentation, Dr. Paltseva will discuss the soil basics of urban trees, case studies on green infrastructure and its ecological functions in NYC, and how technologies such as Tree talkers can help study urban tree health and climate.

Lawn vs. Trees: The Ultimate Landscape Showdown (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Becky Grubbs-Bowling, Asst. Professor, Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Dallas, TX
This talk considers common challenges associated with maintaining trees and turfgrass lawns in the same landscape. We will discuss the hard truth about growing turfgrass under dense canopy shade, with recommendations for alternatives when turf simply isn’t the right choice. We will also discuss important things to know when managing lawn weeds under or around trees, with cautionary tales and useful tips to take with you.

Trees Just Don’t Die (1 ISA CEU)
Sheila McBride, Extension Program Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, College Station, TX
Learn about the biotic contributing factors leading to the decline and sometimes death of trees from a leader at the Texas Plant Diagnostic Laboratory.

How Efficient is Your Operation? (1 ISA CEU)
Sarah Cummings, Director of Continuous Improvement, SavATree, Bedford Hills, NY
Learn how to challenge your mindset on how efficiently your business operates. An efficient operation pays off in profitability, safety, and success; positively impacting your customers and employees. We will discuss simple Lean Six Sigma tools to take the first steps, and how to sustain those results.

A More Inclusive Industry—Women in Arboriculture Panel (1 ISA CEU)
Dana Karcher, Davey Resource Group, Amy Burkett, Burkett Arbor Care, Stephanie Adams, Morton Arboretum, Amy Heath, Texas Tree Surgeons
Hear lived experiences from leaders in arboriculture.

Oak Health (1 ISA CEU)
Stephanie Adams, Forest Tree Pathologist, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
This presentation will highlight the environmental factors, diseases, and insects that are associated with declining and dying oak trees across the United States.

Austin’s Tree Regulations (1 ISA CEU)
Sydnie Tafolla, Environmental Review Specialist, City of Austin, Austin, TX
Naomi Rotramel, City Arborist, City of Austin
An overview of the City of Austin’s tree ordinance from one of the fastest growing cities in America. 

Utility Track Sessions

Journey to Zero Harm (1 ISA CEU)
Orlando De La Garza, Safety & Health Coordinator, AEP Texas, Bronte, TX
At AEP we focus heavily on striving to achieve Zero Harm, which means that no one gets hurt and everyone goes home in the same or better condition than they came to work. This presentation will take us through our journey in assisting our AEP Foresters and Forestry Business Partners in striving for ZERO HARM.

Trees and Right of Way: What to do when a tree is removed, pruned or damaged outside the existing ROW (1 ISA CEU)
Debbie Evans, Arborist, Tree Associates LLC, Liberty Hill, TX
This discussion will address situations where trees were pruned, removed, or damaged outside of an existing right of way and/or right of way maintenance parameters. I will focus on what I have learned over the years working for utility companies, utility company subcontractors and private property owners. My intent is to provide a different perspective and to help attendees go forward with ways to help address these types of situations.

Utility Arboriculture: A South Texas Perspective (1 ISA CEU)
Joshua Roberts, Vegetation Management Coordinator, Medina Electric Cooperative, Hondo, TX
The presentation will cover things I have learned working in the industry, mainly focusing on work at Medina Electric in South TX. Key points will include understanding and meeting the needs of your utility and the importance of communication and flexibility. I will draw on examples from what we do at MEC and try to show some of the unique aspects of VM work here.

A Look at PEC’s Underground Vegetation Maintenance Program (1 ISA CEU)
Penny Swanner, Vegetation Supervisor, PEC, Johnson City, TX
A look at PEC’s Underground Vegetation Maintenance Program

Municipal Track Sessions

Evaluating Species Diversity of the Parish of East Baton Rouge (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Brian Watkins, Assist. Director of Park Operations, BREC, Baton Rouge, LA
The Recreation and Parks Commission of East Baton Rouge (BREC) is a vital asset to the community. BREC’s park system has over 180 parks; with green spaces cover more than 6,000 acres. In a parish where urbanization is on the rise, it is important to sustain the park system and get the maximum ecological benefits from trees. BREC’s parks are vital resources and need to be protected by having a management plan that provides strategies for sustainable practices.

Ecological Research on Tree Canopy Reduction of Ultraviolet Radiation (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Yadong Qi, Professor, Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA
This presentation will cover (1) the fundamental information on how tree leaves interacting with UVB and UVA radiation, and their biophysical, biochemical, anatomical, and genetic aspects of UV tolerance mechanisms based on our research for more than 30 southern broadleaf tree species over the last 2 decades; and (2) the monitoring and modeling single tree canopy interception power of UVA and UVB radiation using live oak (Quercus virginiana) as a model tree species.

Workforce Development in Arboriculture Careers (1 ISA CEU)
Ian Brown, Urban Forest District Manager, City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
The City of Milwaukee has a legacy of recruiting and training non-traditional candidates for careers within Arboriculture. We will cover some of the past programs and an outlook to future strategies for developing Forestry professionals within communities.

Growing Roots: Best Practices in Engaging Youth in Urban Forestry (1 ISA CEU)
Ashleigh Cibelli-Pettus, Conservation Program Coordinator, City of Austin, Ameila DeVito, Program Development Coordinator, City of Austin, Austin, TX
Urban forestry is a rapidly expanding field with many employers seeking to engage diverse applicants that are well versed in tree care and climate adaptation. However, there is often a disconnect between traditional urban forestry pathways and younger populations from marginalized communities. This session will explore how to engage young, diverse audiences in urban forestry and what the most effective strategies are in promoting careers for young people from non-traditional backgrounds.

Urban Forestry and Planning: Existing Together As One (1 ISA CEU)
Kevin Charles, Senior Planner, City of Arlington, Grand Prairie, TX
This talk covers the City of Arlington Entertainment District Overlay, lessons learned, and critical skills that should be developed by urban foresters.

Arborist Internship Program (1 ISA CEU)
Ronny Nelson, President, Simply Horticulture, Prosper, TX
The Student and Scholarship Committee is happy to announce our new internship program. The Arborist Internship Program (AIP) will help our current members develop an internship program within their organization. Our committee has connected many students through a mentoring program that we offer at the Texas Tree Conference. This gave rise to the idea to develop an arborist intern program. We plan use our connections with the students and help connect them to ISAT members.

Spanish Track Sessions

Diagnóstico del arbolado en la ciudad
Biol. Mónica Martínez Hurtado, DENDROMA, México City, México
From one tree to hundreds, the importance of collecting information about trees allows an analysis and diagnosis to finalize the sale of maintenance services and to plan safe work that enhances the benefits that trees provide.

Inspección de Árboles y Lugares de trabajo (Free, No CEU)
Biol. Mónica Martínez Hurtado, DENDROMA, México City, México
The planning of a job before working on a tree is as important as the actual work in the tree and should include the review of safety aspects of the site and the review of general aspects of the tree before any intervention is started.


Watch Now: Keep Texas Beautiful and Affiliates – Program and Resources

Click on the picture above to register and view
1 Hour – 1 ISA CEU ($20)

Join us for a Texas’ Non-Profit Organizations ArborChat with Sarah Nichols, Program Director, from Keep Texas Beautiful, to learn about KTB and its affiliates in Texas.

This ArborChat was originally recorded on February 23, 2022


Watch Now: Floodplain Reforestation and Carbon Credits – Scaling up in Central Texas

Click on the picture above to register and view
1 Hour – 1 ISA CEU ($20)

Join us for a Texas’ Non Profit Organizations ArborChat with Andrew Smiley and Valerie Tamburri, from Tree Folks, to learn about “Floodplain Reforestation and Carbon Credits – Scaling up in Central Texas.”

Tree Folks share with us the benefits of carbon offsetting by tree planting with their Floodplain Reforestation and Carbon+ Credits Program for landowners.  Learn how to apply for the program and hear statistics about how much carbon can be sequestered per acre using their program and more.  A question-and-answer portion at the end helps clarify some of the details of the program as well as what a Carbon+ Credit really is!


Watch Now: 2021 Texas Tree Conference Recorded Instant Replay Presentations – get all 22 CEUs for 1/2 price!


There are plenty of great presentations from the 2021 Texas Tree Conference. You can see the program brochure here and register to watch them on-demand below.

You can click on the links below to view any single session for $20 (1 ISA CEU each) or click here to register to view all 22 recordings for half-price. (Note: you can only receive one CEU once per session)

General Sessions

Trees and Wind: Hurricanes, Tree Survivability, and a More Resilient Urban Landscape (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Ryan Klein, Assistant Professor of Arboriculture, University of Florida, Gainesville

The likelihood of a tree failure can be exacerbated by extreme weather events. This is especially relevant across coastal areas of the United States that commonly experience hurricanes and where wind-induced tree failures are of particular concern. The presentation explores the current body of work on the topic as well as a case study from Naples, FL following Hurricane Irma in September 2017 and the resulting damage to the city’s urban forest.

The ‘21 Texas Blizzard: Aftermath (1 ISA CEU)
Sheila McBride, AgriLife Program Extension Specialist, Texas A&M Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab, College Station 

The impact on the landscape after the February 2021 freeze event. With the help of arborists and landscapers in their regions across Texas, comparing the landscape before the awaking in spring, including trees and shrubs.

Commercial Track Sessions

Risk Perception: Its Impact on Tree Risk Assessment and the Influence of Industry Professionalism (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Ryan Klein, Assistant Professor of Arboriculture, University of Florida, Gainesville

There is a high degree of uncertainty with regards to how a person’s intuition, previous training, and level of expertise affect the outcome of a tree risk assessment. Additionally, very little is known as to what extent risk perception and personal bias may influence recommendations, mitigation, and the overall management of our urban forests. This session delves into the accuracy of the current and most commonly used tree risk assessment methods and the subjective nature of assessments.

Evaluating Root Rots of Trees in Texas (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. David Appel, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Texas A&M University, College Station

The early detection of root rots in trees is essential for mitigating detrimental tree health issues or preventing tree failures that may lead to losses of property or even personal injuries. This presentation will discuss the latest information on notorious root rot pathogens such as Phymatotrichopsis omnivore (cotton root rot), Phytophthora spp. (root decline) and Ganoderma applanatum (butt rot) while explaining their differences and how those differences relate to their management.

How Trees Grow Old and Fall Over (1 ISA CEU)
Skip Kincaid, Executive Director of the Southern Chapter of ISA, St. Louis, Missouri

This can be a scary topic for some of us! Trees can live a very long time, but eventually even they fall apart. Learn the basics of how trees grow and how they begin to fall apart. Nothing lasts forever!

Communicating with a Diverse Workforce (1 ISA CEU)
Erick Palacios, Instructor, International Arborist Institute, Magalia, California

Our world is changing and employees are too. Learn how to bring out the best in everyone in your organization from a communications expert.

Applying TRAQ in the Real World (1 ISA CEU)
Geoffrey Kempter, Technical Services Manager, Asplundh Tree Experts, Grand Rapids, Michigan

ISA’s Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) Program provides a credential for arborists who meet the minimum qualifications, take a two-day course, and pass an exam. But what does that process look like in the “real world?” This presentation provides an overview of the TRAQ program, and provides real-world examples of how the TRAQ process is applied. Geoff Kempter has been a TRAQ instructor for the past 7 years and has helped hundreds of arborists achieve this credential.

Bark and Ambrosia Beetles: Ecology, Identification and Management (1 ISA CEU)
Demian Gomez, Regional Forest Health Coordinator, Texas A&M Forest Service, Austin

Bark and ambrosia beetles are considered one of the most injurious insects in native and planted conifer and broadleaf forests. The vast majority breed in dead or dying tissues and do not produce economic impact. However, some species attack living trees, seedlings or seeds of commercial importance causing severe damage. More than 190 species occur in Texas. An overview of bark and ambrosia beetles will be provided, with focus on identification, feeding ecology, host location, and management.

SOIL MOISTURE: Top Factor for Newly Planted Tree Survival (1 ISA CEU)
Wei Zhang, Ph.D., Vice President for Research and Development, Zynnovation LLC

Soil moisture is critical to newly planted trees but how much and when. Dr. Zhang show you the latest research and how to apply it when you plant trees.

Utility Track Sessions

History of Utility Forestry (1 ISA CEU)
Geoff Kempter, Technical Services Manager, Asplundh, Grand Rapids, MI

Since the first telegraph wires were strung, there has been controversy over the methods used to maintain encroaching vegetation. This presentation provides historical examples of how these issues have been approached over the past 150 years, how science, economics, ignorance and politics have affected the debate, and a vision for the future that avoids past mistakes and allows ROWs to be managed for maximum benefit.

Texas Trees, Plants, Their Pollinators and the Communities Who Support Them (1 ISA CEU)
Barbara Willy, Director of Monarch Gateway, Sugar Land, Texas

Having identified the short list of plants and trees most frequently used by native pollinators across Texas, by region, this presentation looks at groups of pollinators, their host and nectar plants, and shows examples of habitat created.

How To Grow Your Conflict Resolution Skills (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Emily Landon, Professor, Berkeley Law School, University of California

This presentation focuses on delivering specialized conflict revolution skills to set up a constructive conflict resolution process at work and in other realms- transforming conflict into positive change- from conflict resolution to conflict reVolution. “How to Grow Your Conflict Resolution Skills” provides direct and engaging instruction on how to resolve disputes with a collaborative approach.

Are You a Boss Or a Leader? (1 ISA CEU)
Randall Miller, Director of Research and Development, CNUC, Des Moines, Iowa

Randall Miller shows you how you can grow from being a boss to a leader in you life. Using the latest research into human behavior and personal examples, he presents how to be a more effective person and to enjoy life more.

Integrated Vegetation Management Best Management Practices (1 ISA CEU)
Randall Miller, Director of Research and Development, CNUC, Des Moines, Iowa

Understand the reason for ISA BMPs and the particulars of the Integrated Vegetation BMP.

Using Drones in the Right of Way (1 ISA CEU)
Ben Thorp, Utility Forester, AEP, Laredo

Possibilities, and considerations to take when integrating unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) into your r.o.w. vegetation management program.

Municipal Track Sessions

Inspiring the Next Generation of Arborists (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Hans Williams, Dean Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, Stephen F. Austin University

Dr. Williams presents on today’s future employees and leaders (students).

Climate Change and Its Impact on Urban Trees (1 ISA CEU)
Dr. Ryan Klein, Assistant Professor of Arboriculture, University of Florida, Gainesville

Climate change models predict an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters (i.e., drought, hurricanes, and pest outbreaks) across the globe. Average annual extreme minimum temperature will continue to increase and as a result, hardiness zones will shift further to the North and West. This talk explores the potential challenges that we face if climate change predictions hold true and some of the opportunities that we have to design more sustainable and resilient urban forests.

Sustainable Urban Forestry (1 ISA CEU)
Paul Johnson, Director of Urban and Community Forestry, Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Austin

Setting the stage for the evolution of urban and community forestry and the synergy of bringing SFI into the urban and community forestry sector. Our trees, air, water, and associate macro and microflora and fauna don’t recognize political boundaries. Forest certification has helped us increase sustainability and marketability of our forests and associated products. We’re bringing similar tools to urban and community forests. Join us as we explore the first draft of this new standard.

Benefits of Urban Wood Utilization & Adaptive Tree ReUse (1 ISA CEU)
Devin Ginther, President, Texas Urban Sawmill, LLC, Dripping Springs

This presentation is focused on the benefits of utilizing urban trees for the production of urban wood lumber and urban wood products across Texas. Our fallen urban and rural trees are often viewed as waste products when in reality a percentage of these trees can be repurposed as valuable, environmentally sustainable timber products. It is estimated that urban lumber has the potential to replace 30% of traditional lumber production while having far greater environmental benefits.

Your Ash is on the Line! (Emerald Ash Borer) (1 ISA CEU)
Dana Coelho, Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager, Colorado State Forest Service, Bloomfield, Colorado

Funded by a 2018 USFS grant, the Your Ash is on the Line project was designed to provide communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to respond to the EAB infestation effectively and expand collaboration among communities. Community inventories, wood utilization workshops, and planning resources are an important part of the agency’s collaborative work with the Colorado Tree Coalition and other partners to preserve, renew, and enhance community forests in Colorado.

Grafting Volunteers Into a Blossoming Program (1 ISA CEU)
Mark Bird, City Arborist, San Antonio

Learn how to engage community volunteers to make your tree program grow. Attendees will learn how to identify tasks, recruit volunteers, and create safe, fun, and productive events. An overview of the San Antonio Parks and Recreation tree adoption and tree planting programs will be included.

Dallas’ Green Prescription (1 ISA CEU)
Lannie McClelen, Southwestern Medical District Project Coordinator, Rachel McGregor, Staff Forester, Texas Tree Foundation, Dallas

In the wake of the pandemic, spending time outside is more critical than ever in sustaining people’s mental and physical health. Texas Trees Foundation believes the key to better health lies within the green infrastructure framework of each city. A closer look will be taken at the Dallas Urban Forest Master Plan and other programs and projects implemented by the Foundation that reconfigure the public realm to leverage the restorative benefits of the environment to improve human wellness.


Watch Now: Lessons Learned from an Urban Forestry Non-Profit

Click on the picture above to register and view
1 Hour – 1 ISA CEU ($20)

Join Janette Monear, President and CEO of Texas Trees Foundation as she discusses the Importance of public/private partnerships and their current projects including Cool Schools, SWMD, City of Dallas (research/support) and the future of partnerships and TTF. She also covers the importance of collaboration, fundraising and social media. The last ten minutes are a question-and-answer session.


Watch Now: Texas Trees and the Blizzard of ’21: Where are we now? July 2021 Update

Click on the picture above to register and view
Free For ISAT Members – 1.5 Hours – 1 ISA CEU ($45)

Listen in as expert panelists have an informal, roundtable discussion about what they have seen since the February 2021 freeze (see the original March recorded webinar below on this page) and how trees in Texas are recovering. This is a follow-up to “Texas Trees and the Blizzard of ’21” webinar that was held in March. Current Texas Chapter ISA members can attend this on-demand recording for free – Contact Megan Wood at for your member Discount Code. If you are not a member, when you register and pay, a one-year, discounted Texas Chapter ISA membership will be included with your registration fee.

Dr. David Appel, Professor & Associate Department Head, Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Texas A&M University
Sheila McBride, Program Specialist – Head Diagnostician, Texas Plant Diagnostic Lab
Russel Peters, Arborilogical Services, DFW
Susan Henson, Retired, DFW
James Tuttle, Tree Loving Care, Lubbock
Guy LeBlanc, Arbor Vitae Tree Care, Austin
David Vaughan, ArborVaughan, San Antonio
Amy Heath, Texas Tree Surgeons, DFW
Maggie Ambrosino, Brown and Green Tree Care, Austin

Non-members: When you register for this webinar and pay your $45, you will automatically receive a discounted, one-year Texas Chapter ISA membership.


Watch Now: Introduction to Entomology for Arborists Webinar (5 ISA CEUs – $25 per session)


What’s that bug and what is it doing to my tree?

Join Board Certified Entomologist, Molly Keck, for the Introduction to Entomology Webinar Series for Arborists. Over several noon meetings, you can gain a greater understanding of entomology, integrated pest management in the landscape and be able to identify common insect problems in the landscape. 

This series provides a foundation to understanding insects. You will learn the basics of entomology. What is an insect versus other relatives? Who does the damage and in what part of their lifecycle? How do they feed? The series looks at specific species and delves into the specifics of where they lay eggs, the damage they cause, and what attracts them. The series ends with a look at Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of tree and landscape pests. By watching this webinar series, you will expand or reinforce your understanding of insects in the landscape. It provides a basis for understanding more in-depth presentations on emerald ash borers or other Insect problems.

Webinar Series (One Hour Each – 5 ISA CEUs)

Session 1: Pesticide Laws and Reg Update – This presentation reviewed Texas pesticide licensing, record keeping and inspection rules. It is now available on-demand so you can watch whenever you like. Presented by Laura Miller. Click here to register to watch the recording of Session 1

Session 2:  Ento 101 – Learn the basics of entomology and building blocks to understanding insects. What is an insect versus other relatives, types of mouthparts and their damage, lifecycle and who does the damage, and how insects fall into the grand scheme of living things. This presentation contains terminology and information important to understanding Ento 102. Presented by Molly Keck. Click here to register to watch the recording of Session 2

Session 3: Ento 102 – Common Insect Orders of landscape insects and how to identify them in the field. Knowing who is doing the damage, their lifecycle, and how they feed is the main battle in understanding how to manage those pests. Presented by Molly Keck.   Click here to register to watch the recording of Session 3

Session 4: Common Insects of Trees and Landscape Plants – Now that you know the orders, let’s look into specific species and delve into the specifics of where they lay eggs, what they are attracted to, what damage they do, and why they are found in the landscape. Presented by Molly Keck. Click here to register to watch the recording of Session 4

Session 5: Integrated Pest Management of Tree and Landscape Pests – An integrated approach to pest management means using all available control tactics to bring pests to a tolerable level AND knowing which pests need treatment and what time. This saves you labor, costs, and is environmentally friendly. Learn how to manage common pests through cultural control, preventive measures, and chemical control options that are organic and traditional. Some pests do not require treatment – know when to spray and when to walk away! Presented by Molly Keck. Click here to register to watch the recording of Session 5.

Sponsored by Tree Clinic Pharmacy


Watch Now: Texas Trees and the Blizzard of ‘21: What’s Next? March 2021 (1 ISA CEU)

 Click on the picture above to register and view
Free For ISAT Members – 1.5 Hours – 1 ISA CEU ($45)

If you are an ISAT member, you were invited to watch Dr. David Appel from Texas A&M University and a panel of long-time arborists from around Texas discuss the impact of the deep freeze of 2021 on Texas trees and plants (the July freeze update is above on this page). The panel discussed the science of freeze damage and shared their experiences with similar storms in the 1970’s and 1980’s. This webinar was recorded and now you can listen and learn about how to best care for trees after the big freeze of ’21. You must be a Texas Chapter ISA member to view this free webinar. (ISAT members can contact Megan Wood at for the Discount Code for free viewing)

Non-members: When you register for this webinar and pay your $45, you will automatically receive a discounted, one-year Texas Chapter ISA membership.

Click here for to watch the Texas Trees and the Blizzard of ’21 recorded webinar


Watch Now: Texas Tree Diagnosis Quiz Review Webinar (1 ISA CEU)

Click on the picture above to register and view
One-hour (one CEU) webinar ($20 fee)

Test and improve your Texas tree diagnosis skills!
View the free prerecorded diagnosis video quiz and then register for the live webinar quiz review session to earn up to two CEUs and become a better tree disease diagnostician.

Join Dr. David Appel and Sheila McBride for the online Tree Diagnosis Quiz Review. In this live webinar, they will review the answers to the Texas tree diagnosis video quiz (free and link below) and answer any diagnosis questions you may have.
Click here to register for the one-hour What’s Up Doc Tree Diagnosis Quiz Review with Dr. Appel and Sheila McBride (1 CEU) ($20)

Here is the free Texas tree diagnosis video quiz that Dr. Appel and Sheila will be reviewing – watch it and get and additional 1 ISA CEU!
Dr. Appel and Sheila re-imagined their What’s Up Doc tree disease sample quiz table and prepared a special prerecorded tree diagnosis video and quiz for you. Click here to register to watch the video quiz (55 minutes and it’s free) and 
Here is a PDF version of the quiz.

NOTE: The tree disease samples covered in both the tree diagnosis video quiz and the online diagnosis quiz review next week are all described in more detail in the 2020 What’s Up Doc Texas Tree Diagnosis Academy Sessions A & B on-demand webinar videos that were recorded last November. You may want to watch these sessions (but it is not necessary) before you view the tree disease sample quiz video and attend the quiz review webinar.  Session A recording registration here. Session B recording registration here.


Watch Now: Texas Tree Conference Presentations

There were plenty of great presentations at the 2020 Virtual Texas Tree Conference. You can see the program brochure here and watch them on-demand below. (1 ISA CEU and $25 each)

Cost of Not Maintaining Trees – Growing Urban Forests & Sustainability – Dr. Rich Hauer
Arborists, urban foresters, and decision makers often look at urban trees and green infrastructure as a cost. The cost of planting, maintaining, and removing vegetation often gives way to a pause during times of budgeting and decision making. Are these urban tree actions really costs, or an investment that pays dividends? You will discover how the benefits of urban trees and green spaces are linked directly to public investments in tree care. There is really no free urban forest lunch.

Healthy Trees Healthy People: Just What the Tree Ordered – Dr. Rich Hauer
A dose of trees is what the doctor prescribes. Much like stages of tree development, the stages of human development have many connections to green spaces. We take a journey into the medical literature from birth to the life prolonging effects that trees provide. We take a journey into practical tree biology for practical application by an arborist, urban & community forester and others. A pandemic is among us, but a panacea of healthy trees for healthy people is just what the doctor ordered.

A300 Part 2 Soil Management – Dr. Christopher Fields-Johnson
Forest trees connect to soils through complex relationships with pore space, organic matter, minerals and microbial life. Urban trees often struggle when these relationships break down as a consequence of compaction and organic matter losses. We can reconnect trees with soils and reestablish these relationships through practices which reestablish soil structure, increase organic matter and balance soil chemistry.

Tree Risk and Arborist Responsibility? – Skip Kincaid
Skip will describe a framework for arborists to become better skilled and gain confidence in performing tree risk assessment. While the ISA Tree Risk Assessment (TRAQ) credential is a widely accepted tool and provides an excellent framework, some arborists are still wary of accepting an assignment that includes tree risk assessment, especially if a report is needed. A checklist of items will be discussed that will reduce the anxiety associated with performing tree risk assessment.

Conflict Resolution – Dr. Emily Landon
We all deal with difficult people. Learn how to grow your conflict resolution skills from an expert in alternative dispute resolution.

Emerald Ash Borer and You – Allen Smith
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) biology, ecology, identification, control and legal ramifications. This presentation will examine EAB in depth and look at all aspects of the insect including identification and its associated pitfalls, what happens when the presence of EAB is confirmed, regulations associated with EAB and the processes procedures that should be followed when dealing with EAB. The current status of EAB in Texas will be discussed including where it is and what is being done about it.

Emerald Ash Borer: To Treat or Not To Treat – That is the Question – Erik Lindberg
Emerald ash borer has arguably been the most devastating invasive insect in the last 18 years since it was first found in Michigan in 2002, and was confirmed in Texas in 2016.  As it continues to spread to new communities, it becomes vital that municipalities have a plan in place to effectively manage it.  This presentation will discuss the impact of EAB, sign/symptoms, determining municipal budget allocations, how to determine which trees to target, and a toolbox approach to manage EAB.

Diagnosing and Managing Abiotic Disorders – Emmett Muennink
Learn practical approaches to diagnosing trees and implementing proper protocols for managing various abiotic disorders. We’ll discuss drought, nutrient deficiencies, herbicide injury, and construction stress.

Trees and Construction: Building for Long Term Tree Survivability – David Dechant
As a consulting construction arborist, David works exclusively to implement natural design solutions to protect valuable tree, soil and water resources on construction projects. Various aspects of project design and management will be discussed as well as relevant ANSI Standards including Soil Management, Site Development and Construction, Root Management and the implementation of these standards to ensure project success. Examples obtained from current and past projects will also be presented.



Watch Now: Ask the Expert Webinar with Dr. David Appel (1 ISA CEU)

Click on the picture above to register and view
One-hour (one CEU) webinar ($20 fee)

As an arborist, one of the most common questions you are asked is: “What’s wrong with my tree?” Have you ever wished you had an expert at your elbow to help? Now you have that chance. Dr. David Appel answered diagnosis questions and talked about diagnostic procedures using real life scenarios that your peers sent in in this one-hour webinar.

Your Expert:
Dr. David N. Appel – Dr. Appel is a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM) at Texas A&M University. Since coming to Texas A&M in 1981, his research program has focused on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and control of forest and shade trees, with an emphasis on the devastating oak wilt epidemic in Central Texas. Dr. Appel has more recently been studying the biology and control of wine grape diseases and is involved with statewide surveys for sudden oak death and citrus greening. He has taught several graduate and undergraduate courses during his career and served in many administrative posts. He has received various awards from his department and professional societies for his accomplishments but is most proud of the impact his work has had with arborists and grape growers.


Watch Now: The History of Oak Wilt Research in Texas Webinar with Gene Gehring

Click on the picture above to register and view
One-hour (one CEU) webinar ($20)

Did you ever wonder when oak wilt was discovered in Texas? Who first described oak wilt symptoms? How we know how fast it moves and where we got our sampling, testing, trenching and injection protocols? Millions of Texas oaks have been killed in the battle with oak wilt and the history of our current understanding of this epidemic is a true scientific detective story. This webinar will show you how science has been used to reveal the secrets of oak wilt and how the work of dedicated scientists and practitioners has led to our latest understanding of oak wilt disease identification and management techniques.

Your instructor:
Gene Gehring will present The History of Oak Wilt Research in Texas in this one-hour webinar presented by the Texas Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture. Gene is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist who has a B.S. in Urban Forestry, a M.S. Forest Pathology from Texas A&M and over 30 years of on-the-job experience with oak wilt in Texas. From oak wilt graduate student to coordinator of the Texas A&M Forest Service Oak Wilt Suppression Project to private consulting arborist, he has looked at, managed, and treated oak wilt almost everywhere it has been found in Texas.


ISAT Spanish-Language Webinars

Le brindamos los mejores científicos, educadores y profesionales para que pueda mantenerse al día con las últimas investigaciones, información y tecnología en arboricultura, desde donde sea que esté y cuando lo desee, ¡todo con nuestros árboles únicos de Texas en mente!

Salud de los suelos – Ciencia de suelos desde el punto de vista de un Arborista

Francisco Silicilia, Horticulture Specialist – Rainbow Science

En este seminario web, comprenderá por qué el suelo es importante para los árboles. Los árboles se benefician del suelo por varias razones, como soporte estructural, nutrientes, agua y oxígeno. Comprender la interacción entre el suelo y los nutrientes de las plantas es clave para comprender cómo el suelo podría desempeñar un papel en el beneficio de la salud de nuestros árboles locales, que también depende de la textura y estructura del suelo. Únase a nosotros en este seminario web para aprender más sobre el papel del suelo en la salud de nuestros árboles.

Una Introducción a la Arboricultura y la Dasonomía Urbana

Micah Pace, Arboricultural Director – Marlin Landscape, Dallas, TX

Esta presentación se proporciona una introducción a la profesión a la arboricultura. Se ofrezca una definición y distinción de la Arboricultura y la Dasonomía Urbana.  Los estudiantes van a aprender cuáles son los beneficios de los árboles urbanos, que son los requisitos para ser un arbolista certificado, y donde se encuentra recursos educativos para educarse más sobre la industria arborícola. Al final los estudiantes verán unos ejemplos con fotos de algunos servicios comunes de los profesionales de la industria.

La Identificacion y el Manejo del Marchitamiento del Encino en Texas
Mark Duff, Principal, Mark Duff Consulting, Hollywood Park

La Identificacion y el Manejo del Marchitamiento del Encino en Texas – Estrategias para controlar el marchitamiento del encino mediante zanjas y productos quimicos. (The Identification and Management of Oak Wilt in Texas – Strategies for control via trenches and fungicide injections).

Diagnóstico de Arbolado en la Ciudad
Mónica Martínez Hurtado, Director, co-owner / Directora General,, Mexico City, Mexico

Desde lo básico de identificar peculiaridades o signos que tengan interés para el diagnóstico que puedan derivar en estudios avanzados, planes de tratamiento o toma de precauciones a la hora de realizar una trepa (ejemplo: poder ver que un cambio de coloración en la corteza o un fallo estructural que puede arriesgar a los trabajadores).

Sanidad Forestal en Texas: problemas emergentes
Dr. Demian Gomez, Regional Forest Health Coordinator, Texas A&M Forest Service, Austin

Se realiza una actualización sobre problemas emergentes que afectan los bosques naturales y urbanos de Texas luego de secas intensas y tormenta de hielo. También se discutirá el estado de plagas invasoras en la región.

El Cuidado Personal: La Base de la Seguridad
Carolina Paredes, Owner, Beast Coast Tree Climbers LLC, Zirconia, NC

Self Care is not supposed to be an emergency procedure, it is a daily practice. The best training, knowledge, decades of experience, impressive skill set, and talent is not going to help you if you have built a significant sleep deficiency, are burning out, have developed a nutritional deficiency that affects your cognitive functions and behavior, if you are ill, and/or are having a difficult time emotionally. In order to operate and perform at optimal level in our industry we must take care of ourselves. In this workshop we will learn about how Nutrition, Stress, Sleep, Emotions, and Communication all interact and affect each other. We will learn how to increase the odds in our favor using tools, resources, and real life practical application in order to do our work safely and perform at our highest levels. Self Care is the foundation of Safety, and it begins with each and every one of us.

Conservacion de arboles durante la construccion: mejores practicas de gestion y tecnicas para reducer la compactacion del suelo
Dr. Beau Brodbeck, Extension Specialist in Community Forestry & Arboriculture, Auburn University, Fairhope, AL

Muchas regiones del sur están experimentando un rápido crecimiento demográfico. Con este crecimiento viene una mayor construcción y desarrollo. Comprender los conceptos básicos de la preservación de los árboles durante la construcción es clave para retener el dosel del bosque urbano y reducir los riesgos a largo plazo asociados con los árboles dañados. Esta presentación revisará las mejores prácticas de manejo para preservar árboles durante la construcción y explorará técnicas, basadas en nuestra investigación, para reducir la compactación en el sitio para garantizar bosques urbanos más seguros, saludables y resistentes. (Many regions in South are experiencing rapid population growth. With this growth comes increased construction and development. Understanding the basics of preserving trees during construction is key towards retaining urban forest canopy and reducing long-term risks associated with damaged trees. This presentation will review the best management practices for preserving trees during construction and explore techniques, based on our research, for reducing onsite compaction to ensure safer, healthier, and more resilient urban forests.) 

Diagnóstico del arbolado en la ciudad
Biol. Mónica Martínez Hurtado, DENDROMA, México City, México
From one tree to hundreds, the importance of collecting information about trees allows an analysis and diagnosis to finalize the sale of maintenance services and to plan safe work that enhances the benefits that trees provide.

Inspección de Árboles y Lugares de trabajo
Biol. Mónica Martínez Hurtado, DENDROMA, México City, México
The planning of a job before working on a tree is as important as the actual work in the tree and should include the review of safety aspects of the site and the review of general aspects of the tree before any intervention is started.