Texas A&M Forest Service has partnered with the Keep America Beautiful program and their Youth Advisory Council to create high school lesson modules and a community guide for Tree Trails. The Youth Advisory Council is made up of 10 teens across the United States who are ambassadors and leaders for youth service in their respective communities.
The council aims to incorporate Tree Trails into their Community Greening and Beautification section of their projects.
Tree Trails provides a way for school and community groups to celebrate trees by creating an education trail. Groups identify, measure and map trees along their trail on the ground and online. They then investigate other forestry topics and plan a service learning project around those topics.
For more information about Tree Trails or to get involved with a group, visit the Learn and Explore Tab on the TFS webpage or contact Leslie Kessner at lkessner@tfs.tamu.edu. Look for the completed modules next summer.
What’s the weirdest tree related thing you’ve seen this year? Did you get a photo of it?
Submit your interesting images and offbeat pics for an opportunity to share the uncommon with your fellow tree geeks at this year’s Texas Tree Conference. A slideshow will be put together for all to enjoy during the conference.
Be sure that your photo:
● Quality: at least least 300 dpi or better
● Size: 3-4MB
● Include photo credits
● Has a short description
How to share:
● Email images directly to isatphotos@gmail.com
● Upload to Flickr here https://www.flickr.com/groups/2815857@N21/>
Deadlines for the Texas Tree Conference’s Tree Geek Slideshow is 9/22/15
Photos may be submitted anytime for general sharing purposes.
● Photos may be used and shared for all sorts of media purposes, by submitting yours, you are signaling that you agree to share.
● ISAT puts safety FIRST; do not expect to see slides utilized that violate ANSI standards.
Call for Papers: Submit Your Proposals for the 2016 ISA Conference in Ft. Worth
Presentation proposals will be accepted through Friday, 4 December 2015.Click here for more information and make note of the 2016 Fort Worth conference dates: 13-17 August 2016.
Friday, September 4th to September 25th, 2015 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
San Antonio Botanical Garden
Course Description:
This course was designed to help prepare professional arborists to take the ISA Certified Arborist examination. The teaching cadre has over 210 combined years of experience in the tree care industry. Nonprofessionals are also welcome to attend the entire course or other sessions to gain a better understanding of the benefits of trees and develop their tree ID and tree care skills. Three years of experience is required to take the ISA Certified Arborist exam. For more information on the exam, please visitwww.isa-arbor.com. Course schedule:
September 4 Tree Biology, Tree Identification, Soil Science, and Tree Support
September 11 Water Management, Tree Nutrition and Fertilization, Tree Selection, Installation and Establishment
September 18 Pruning and Oak Wilt, Diagnosis and Plant Disorders, Plant Health Care, and Tree Assessment and Risk Management
September 25 Trees and Construction, Urban Forestry, Tree Worker Safety, Climbing and Working in Trees
The long-awaited Famous Trees of Texas, TFS Centennial Edition, which tells the exciting stories of Texas frontier history that trees might tell if they could speak is now available through TAMU Presshttp://www.tamupress.com/product/Famous-Trees-of-Texas,8201.aspx orAmazon.
All royalties received will go to the TFS TreeCovery Fund, a fund to help reforest communities that have experienced disasters.
What tree is this? This summer the website underwent a major revision to give it a new look and new life. Check out the website here: texastreeid.tamu.edu New Trees of Texas posters and bookmarks are available for giveaways in the Conservation Education office, stop by and get yours today. To learn more about the different Texas A&M Forest Service conservation education programs, contact Leslie Kessner at lkessner@tfs.tamu.edu
Tree Trails, an educational application designed to collect, display, and share information about trees, has a free mobile application available on iTunes. The Tree Trails application allows teachers, youth leaders, community parks personnel, arborists and others to create a custom trail of trees, complete with photos and ecosystem services values. Get it here.
Arborist News Quizzes are now available through the ISA web store. Free to members for one year. Learn how to access this easy way to earn CEUs. Link here.
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry quizzes less than one-year old are available online for free to members only. Online quizzes over one-year old may be purchased by members for $9.95 and by non-members for $12.95. If you are certified and successfully pass the quiz with a score of 80% or higher, CEUs will be posted to your account within 48 hours.
Arboriculture and Urban Forestry Quizzes Online
eLearn Urban Forestry is a state-of-the-art online, distance-learning program geared specifically toward beginning urban foresters and those allied professionals working in and around urban and urbanizing landscapes, including service foresters, natural resource planners, landscape architects, city officials and public works employees.
To access the program for free go to http://elearn.sref.info and for ISA and SAF credit go to http://cfegroup.org .