
For more information: http://www.isa-arbor.com/events/conference/index.aspx

Click here for information on the ISA Texas Chapter trip to Ranger Stadium on Saturday, Aug. 13 for the Texas Rangers vs the Detroit Tigers baseball game

Click here to find out more about sponsoring the Texas Chapter ISA reception or our trip to the Rangers Game at the Conference


Texas Chapter Event Sponsors


















What’s the weirdest tree related thing you’ve seen this year? Did you get a photo of it?

Submit your interesting images and offbeat pics for an opportunity to share the uncommon with your fellow tree geeks at this year’s Texas Tree Conference.  A slideshow will be put together for all to enjoy during the conference.

Be sure that your photo:

●      Quality: at least least 300 dpi or better

●      Size: 3-4MB

●      Include photo credits

●      Has a short description

How to share:

●      Email images directly to isatphotos@gmail.com


●      Upload to Flickr here https://www.flickr.com/groups/2815857@N21/>

Deadlines for the Texas Tree Conference’s Tree Geek Slideshow is 9/22/15

Photos may be submitted anytime for general sharing purposes.


●      Photos may be used and shared for all sorts of media purposes, by submitting yours, you are signaling that you agree to share.

●      ISAT puts safety FIRST; do not expect to see slides utilized that violate ANSI standards.