City of Arlington– Forester


 Under general supervision, supervises forestry work to ensure the continuity and health of community trees along city streets, parks and related areas. Provides technical assistance to individuals and groups relating to arboriculture, insect and disease management, tree evaluation, tree risk assessment, planting cultivation, pruning, tree care, and other related duties related to the management of an urban forest. Lead the urban wood reuse program

• Organize, schedule and supervise forestry activities of assigned parks, city owned property, medians, rights of ways, and municipal facilities; includes planning and implementing long range tree management plans to improve the quality of life in the community through proper arboricultural techniques, selection of trees, irrigation system management, estimating requirements and procuring appropriate materials, support personnel, and volunteers for work projects.
• Prepare and supervise the preparation of tree management reports, grant applications, proposals, contracts, specifications, records, and logs; includes annual budgeting and developing policies and procedures for the Forestry Program.
• Identify and inspect trees for disease, insects, structural form, safety and a biotic damage and the ability to prescribe and administer corrective actions for such. Includes conducting periodic inspections of trees to ensure the public’s safety from hazardous trees along city rights of way and public property.
• Manage contract administration, which includes selecting and hiring contractors, monitoring work progress, and ensuring compliance with budgets as well as city, state, and federal regulations.
• Manage, supervise, and coordinate public programming for tree giveaways.
up to but not limited to filing, marketing, organizing volunteers, speaking engagements, data collection, inventorying, ordering trees, scheduling deliveries, and creating publications.
• Develop, implement, and review plans for construction of new facilities, parks, medians, rights of way, city owned property, as well as renovation of such facilities to provide technical assistance, construction inspections regarding tree care issues, and the feasibility of maintenance of the urban forest.
• Use Open Gov Asset Management software and other online tools to inventory and maintain the urban forest.


For full position description and how to apply: Forester (