ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) – Austin, Texas
Join the Texas Chapter ISA for the new ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) 2-day educational course followed by a 1/2 day assessment that includes both a written and field component. Your instructor will be Skip Kincaid, Commissioner of Forestry for the City of St Louis.
Sorry this class if full and registration is closed.
Keep you eye on the ISAT website to see when the spring TRAQ classes will be offered.
Course Information
The ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) program provides an opportunity for professionals in the arboriculture industry to expand their knowledge through education and training in the fundamentals of tree risk assessment. This qualification promotes the safety of people and property by providing a standardized and systematic process for assessing tree risk. The results of a tree risk assessment can provide tree owners and risk managers with the information to make informed decisions to enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.
The course includes Tree Biology and Mechanics, Tree Inspection and Assessment, Data Analysis and Risk Categorization, and Risk Reporting. The Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) Course prepares the participant to take the TRAQ assessment to become ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified.
The qualification consists of a 2-day educational course followed by a ½ day assessment that includes both a written and field component. It is required that you attend the course and successfully complete the assessment in order to receive this qualification.
14.5 CEUs available
Course Pricing
Member pricing is an exclusive benefit to ISA members only. You must be a current ISA member at the time of registration. All others will be charged non-member registration rates.
Retaking the Examination
Cancellation Policy
- ISA Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA)
- ISA Certified Arborist
- ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified
- A degree in arboriculture, urban forestry, traditional forestry, or horticulture that is part of a national qualifications framework or is from a college or university that is accredited or recognized under a system
- AHC30810 Certificate III in Arboriculture (Australia)
- ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA) status
- Connecticut Arborist License
- European Tree Technician
- European Tree Worker
- Fachagrarwirt Baumpflege
- Louisiana Arborist License
- Maryland Tree Expert
- Massachusetts Certified Arborist
- New Hampshire Arborists Association Certified Arborist
- New Jersey Certified Tree Expert
- New Zealand National Certificate in Horticulture (Arboriculture) (Level 4)
- Rhode Island Arborist License
- Society of American Foresters Certified Forester
- United Kingdom Qualifications and Credit Framework Level 2 Certificate or Diploma in Arboriculture
If you hold a credential or have completed a program of study that is not listed above, go to for information on appeal. Please be aware that the appeals process could take several months.
Special Testing Accommodations Request:
Confirmation Packet:
You will receive a confirmation packet with a letter containing the date and time of the course and the name of the appropriate contact person. Confirmation packets are shipped three weeks prior to the date the course begins.
Confirmation packets will be shipped using UPS to the address provided on the personal information registration page. Please provide a physical shipping address (not PO Box).
Participants should bring:
- A government-issued photo identification card, such as a driver’s license, passport, or military ID
- Tree Risk Assessment Manual (included in your confirmation packet)
- Tree Risk Assessment Qualification Workbook (included in your confirmation packet); the workbook is required to complete the course
- Hard hat
- High visibility vest, coat, or other hi-vis attire
- Appropriate attire and footwear for both indoor and outdoor activities
- Clipboard or hard surface to write on outdoors
- Writing utensil(s), including at least one #2 pencil
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