2016 Texas Tree Climbing Competition
2016 Texas Tree Climbing Competition
Miguel Pastenes is the new Texas Champion!
See event pictures here
May 20 @ 7:00 am – May 21 @ 5:00 pm
“Let’s Gather at the River”
Contact Kevin Bassett (972) 877-0358 for more information
Registration is now closed!
The winner of our Texas competition qualifies to represent our chapter in the International Tree Climbing Championships (ITCC) in Washington, DC. The competition is made up of 5 preliminary events:
- Throwline — tests a climber’s ability to install a climbing line high in the tree.
- Belayed speed climb — hand over hand climbing to the top of a 50 foot tree. This is a pure power house event.
- Footlock — like climbing the rope in gym class, only the rope is doubled 1/2 thick climbing line and there are no knots to grab. This is a balance of skill, calmness, agility and pure strength. See a video here.
- Aerial rescue — a 160 pound dummy is set in a tree in a simulated injury — rescue scenario. The climber must assess the situation and safely bring the injured climber to the ground. See a video here.
- Work climb— We set four stations in the tree, climber’s time starts when they are already in the top of the tree and finish when they are on the ground and unclip from their gear. See a video here.
- hand bell station — climbers simply ring a bell with a hand saw carried on their harness.
- pole saw station — climbers use a pole saw (already hanging in the tree) to ring a bell.
- limb toss — using a short piece of pvc pipe that simulates a branch, climbers, toss the limb into a target painted on the ground (as if to avoid dropping a branch on a customers prized rose bush!).
- limb walk — a plumb-bob is hung from the end of a long low branch. Climbers must climb out to the end of the limb and ring a bell without putting too much weight on the limb. You have to put all your weight in the saddle vs. standing on the limb. If you put too much weight on the limb, the plumb-bob will drop and set off a buzzer!
The top 5 finishers from the preliminary events quality to compete in the Master’s Challenge where the winner earns the right to compete in the international event in Washington, DC next year. The Master’s Challenge combines all the skills from the preliminary rounds into one big climb.
This years’ TTCC will be held in 2 different parks. All preliminary events will be held at Cypress Bend Park on Friday, May 20th. You are to arrive for the preliminaries at 8:00 a.m. sharp. If you are experiencing difficulty arriving to roll call on time, please call Kevin Bassett at 972-877-0358. If you are not present for roll call, you will be disqualified and your entry fee forfeited. If you are not present with your rotation group when your name is called at any individual event, you will be disqualified from that event. All preliminary events are to conclude by end of day on Friday.
The final event will be held in Landa Park on Saturday, May 21st. On this day, we will also host a recreational climb, the Stihl Stocksaw Competition, and the Texas Tree Fair. These events will be open to the public, so please feel free to bring family and friends.
Don’t forget to register for the pre-climb Aerial Rescue Techniques and Chain Saw Safety Workshop with Phillip Kelly on May 19th. A one-day workshop that will make you safer and maybe even save your life.
Click here for info on the Thursday pre-competition workshop with Phillip Kelley
Click here to register to compete
To sponsor or exhibit click here
Click here for contestant information and forms to fill out
Click here for the Competition Hotel information
Click here to register for educational booths
2016 TTCC Preliminary Schedule of Events
The International Tree Climbing Competition Home Page
Tree Climbing Championship Pictures